This is a basic quiz. You are given a question with four options. You choose the one you think is correct and when your done hit submit These aren't in any order of difficulty. So go for it or something...

1. Where was Shirley born?
2. What is Eddie, her husbands, profession?
3. What type of dress did Shirley wear to the Grammy's?
4. What instrument did Shirley *not* play as a child?
5. What male star proposed they do something together (music oriented) at the Grammy's?
6. How does Shirley describe Motzart?
7. What is Shirley's nickname?
8. What is her favorite food
9. What song from Shirley's former band Goodbye Mr Mackenzie hit the top 40?
10. How many CD's did Angelfish, another of Shirley's former bands release?

Don't have java? Answers are here.

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